Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Withdrawal process/Exit Guidelines for NPS employees.

Withdrawal process/Exit Guidelines for NPS employees.


              Sub:- Withdrawal process/Exit Guidelines for NPS employees.

             Read:- 1. G.O. No.FD (Spl) 04 PET 2005, dated 31.03.2006
                         2. G.O. No.FD (Spl) 28 PEN 2009, dated 29.03.2010
                         3. G.O. No.FD (Spl) 01 PEN 2010, dated 20.10.2010             

         Government of Karnataka has introduced a Defined Contribution Pension System known as New Pension system/scheme for its employees joining Government service on or after 1.4.2006 vide G.O. read at above (1) & (2) above.  This system/scheme is made operational from 1.4.2010 and the NPS is made applicable for the members of the All India Services (Karnataka cadre) joining the All India Service on or after 1.4.2004, in
G.O. read at (3) above.

         This G.O. is issued to detail the procedure for withdrawal of employees from the scheme before  attaining the age of superannuation and settlement of claims of the NPS employees in case of death while in service or on attaining the age of superannuation.

                       GOVT. ORDER NO. FD (Spl)  203  PEN 2012     
                   BANGALORE,  DATED 16th January 2013

       Government are pleased to  issue the following orders for the NPS employees:

          a. Upon  Normal  Superannuation: At least 40%  of the accumulated  pension corpus of the subscriber needs to be utilized for purchase of an annuity providing for the monthly  pension  of  the subscriber and  the balance is paid as a lump sum to the subscriber.

          b. Upon Death: The  entire accumulated  pension corpus (100%) would  be paid to the nominee/legal heir of the subscriber  and  there  would  not  be  any  purchase of annuity/monthly pension required.

          c. Exist from NPS before the age of Normal Superannuation (irrespective of cause):  At  leaset  80% of  the  accumulated pension  corpus   of   the subscriber needs  to  be  utilized for purchase of an annuity providing  for the monthly pension of the  subscriber  and  the  balance is paid as a lump-sum to the subscriber.

                                                     BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE  
                                                      GOVERNOR OF KARNATAKA 
                                                              Special Officer & Ex-officio, 
                                                         Deputy Secretary to Government, 
                                                            Finance Department. (Pension)

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Pensioners Portal Orders : Revised concordance table of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post 2006 pay scales...

Pensioners Portal Orders : Revised concordance table of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post 2006 pay scales...

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated the 28th January. 2013


Sub:- Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners — reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, orders were issued for revision of pension/family pensioners vide this Department’s OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1 .9.2008. as amended from time to time.

2. It has been decided that the pension of pre-2006 pensioners as revised w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in terms of para 4.1 or para 4.2 of the aforesaid OM dated 1.9.2008. as amended from time to time, would be further stepped up to 50% of the sum of minimum of pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance. Department of Expenditure OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008. In the case of HAG and above scales, this will be 50% of the minimum of the pay in the revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the above-referred OM dated 30.8.2008 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.

3. The normal family pension in respect of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners as revised w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in terms of para 4.1 or para 4.2 of the aforesaid OM dated 1.9.2008 would also be further stepped up to 30% of thc sum of minimum of pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale in which the Government servant had retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance. Department of Expenditure OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August. 2008. In the case of HAG and above scales. this will be 30% of the minimum of the pay in the revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the above OM dated 30.8.2008 of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure).

4. A revised concordance table (Annexure) of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post 2006 pay scales/pay bands indicating the pension/family pension (at ordinary rates) payable under the above provisions is enclosed to facilitate payment of revised pension/family pension.

5. The pension so arrived ai in accordance with para 2 above and indicated in Col. 9 of Annexure will be reduced pro-rata, where the pensioner had less than the maximum required service for full pension as per rule 49 of the CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 as applicable before 1.1.2006 and in no case it will be less than Rs.3.500/- p.m.

6. The family pension at enhanced rates (under sub rule (3)(a) of Rule 54 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972) of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners revised w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in terms of para 4.1 or this Department’s OM No.1/3/2011-P&PW(E) dated 25.5.2012 would be further stepped up in the following manner:

(I) In the case of Government servants who died while in service before 1.1.2006 and in respect of whom enhanced family pension is applicable from the date of approval by the Government, i.e. 24.9.2012, the enhanced family pension will be stepped up to 50% of the sum of minimum of pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale in which the Government servant had died, as arrived at with reference to the fument tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August. 2008. In the case of HAG and above scales, this will be 50% of the minimum of the pay in the revised pay scale arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the above-referred OM dated 30.8.2008 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.

(ii) In the case of a pensioner who retired before 1.I.2006 and in respect of whom enhanced family pension is applicable from the date of approval by the Government. i.e. 24.9.2012, the enhanced family pension will be stepped up to the amount of pension as revised in terms of para 2 read with para 5 above. In case the pensioner has died before from the date of approval by the Government, i.e. 24.9.2012, the pension will be revised notionally in terms of para 2 read with para 5 above. The amount of revised enhanced family pension will, however, not be less than the amount of family pension at ordinary rates as revised in terms of para 3 above.

7. In case the pension consolidated pension/family pension/enhanced family pension calculated as per para 4.1 of OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 is higher than the pension/family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher consolidated pension/family pension) will continue to be treated as basic pension/family pension.

8. All other conditions as given in OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008, as amended from time to time shall remain unchanged.

9. These orders will take effect from the date of approval by the Government, i.e. 24.9.2012. There will be no change in the amount of revised pension/family pension paid during the period 1.1.2006 and 23.9.2012, and, therefore, no arrears will be payable on account of these orders for that period.

10. In their application to the persons belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

11. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents fo these orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached and subordinate Offices under them on a top priority basis. All pension disbursing offices are also to prominently display these orders on their notice boards for the benefit of pensioners.

12. Hindi version will follow.

(Tripti P.Ghosh)

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CGHS Rates 2013 : A revised list of package rates applicable under CGHS Kolkata

CGHS Rates 2013 : A revised list of package rates applicable under CGHS Kolkata 

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued a new updated revised package rates for all investigations applicable under CGHS Kolkata, Pensioners and existing employees of Central Government are requested to download the rate list and keep in their computer and mobile also. The rates are given as NABL and Non NABL Imagin centres.

The rate list has been provided with the titles of treatment such as Dental, Pulmonary, Osteology, Neurosciences, Gastro and Hepatobiliary, Genitourinary, Endocrinology, Radio-Isotope Therapy etc., the total number of 490 investigation names are available in the list.

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Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules

Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules

No.AB.14017/37/2012-Estt (RR) (6943) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions 
(Department of Personnel & Training) Room No.215-A/II, North Block, New Delhi

Dated the 28th January, 2013


Subject: Check list for sending proposals to DOPT for framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules.

The undersigned is directed to state that instructions on framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules prescribe that the proposal for framing / amendment Recruitment Rules for Groups ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts /services as approved by the Administrative Ministry / Departments should be referred to this Department in certain format (viz Annexure I to III) and accompanied with other documents / information, for consideration of this Department. It has been noticed that the proposals sent by the Ministry / Department are not complete in all respects and this Department has to return the proposal seeking further information/documents/clarification for considering the proposal. Further, this Department has taken a decision that proposals for framing/amendment/revision of RRs shall now be processed on-line only and after freezing the proposal by this Department, the physical file will be accepted for concurrence.

2. In order to facilitate easy and early concurrence on proposal for framing / amendment of Recruitment Rules, a check list to be used while sending such proposals to this Department is enclosed. It is requested that all proposals for frarning / amendment Recruitment Rules, being sent to this Department on file, must invariably accompany this Check list duly filled in.

3. Hindi Version will follow.

(Mukta Goel)
DOPT OM No. AB.14017/37/2012-Estt(RR)(6943) Dated 28.1.2013
Check list enclosed
Whether the proposal related to Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ posts
Whether there is any deviation from the guidelines on RRs in regard to the proposal related to Group ‘C’ posts
For RRs to be considered on line in case of the proposal related to Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ posts (excluding Service Rules):-
Whether the Annexure I and Annexure II or Annexure III has been filled up completely
Whether Hierarchy chart has been filled up
Whether the contact details of the officer forwarding the proposal has been given
For RRs to be considered in file in case of the proposal related to Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ posts (excluding Service Rules):
Whether the proposal has been sent on-line to DOPT
Whether the proposal has been freezed by DOPT for sending the same on file
If the proposal sent on-line has been freezed, the copy of report in regard to Schedule (Annexure-I) and Annexure II or Annexure III, as the case may be, enclosed
For Service Rules:
Schedule (Annexure-I) enclosed
Annexure II, if it is case of framing of RRs, enclosed
If yes, whether annexure-II is signed
Annexure III, if it is a case of amendment of RRs, enclosed
If yes, whether annexure-III is signed
In case post created or upgraded, order furnished
IEn case post re-designated, order furnished
In case of addition or abolition of posts, the Order sanctioning additional / new posts or abolition of posts enclosed.
Duties of posts furnished
Hierarchy of chart along with pay band & Grade pay and method of recruitment furnished (both existing & proposed)
Whether initial constitution clause, where the RRs are framed for the first time and there are officer already holding the posts on regular basis, inserted
Whether the method of recruitment, prescribed by UPSC as one time method of recruitment in absence of RRs of post(s), intimated
DOPT OM No. AB.14017/37/2012-Estt (RR)(6943) dated 28 .1.2013
Whether promotion proposed
If yes, whether Recruitment Rules for feeder posts enclosed
Whether other promotional channel available to feeder post
Whether successful completion of mandatory training in the relevant field included as a criteria for promotion to be considered by DPC
Whether Deputation has been proposed
1f yes, the field of Deputation is as per guidelines
Whether short term contract also included
Whether provision for Armed Forces Personnel made
If yes, whether ranks of Armed Forces Personnel indicated
Whether composite method has been proposed
1f yes, whether there is only I feeder grade post against 1 post in the higher grade.
Whether Direct Recruitment has been proposed
If yes, whether further promotional avenues available to direct recruits
Whether Age limit for direct recruits prescribed is in order
Whether provision for filling short term vacancies made in Recruitment Rules when Direct Recruitment is the only method proposed
Whether period of experience proposed is in order
Whether Educational Qualifications for direct recruits apply to promotees (for Scientific and Technical posts in Senior Time Scales and above.
n case Educational Qualifications for direct recruits are proposed to be modified and are to be applied to promotees, whether safeguards provided for existing incumbents
Whether standard note in relevant columns (No.6, 7, 10 & 11 of the Schedule i.e. Annexure I) enclosed
Composition of separate Departmental Promotional Committee for promotion and or confirmation intimated
Whether the composition of DPC includes minimum number of officers and UPSC has been associated wherever prescribed
In case of amendment, whether copy of existing Recruitment Rules furnished.
Whether reasons for amendments specified
In case of framing of RRs, Order for creation of posts enclosed.
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Actual DA should have been 150 to 180 % range not just 80% as on 1/1/2013

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers Karnataka State
The Secretary General

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers 

New Delhi


 Please go through the tables provided as attachment on . 

Compare 6th CPC Rates as per table 2.21 of the 6th CPC report , Consumer Price Index Rates published by Government of India  and Market Rates prevailing as on today, for example today the actual price price of Rice is Rs 48 to Rs 52 per kg in Bangalore , but as per 6th CPC computation it is only Rs 18 per kg as per Consumer Price Index of 2001  it is only Rs 24 to Rs 28  per kg,  this shows an increase of 270% over the 6th CPC prices (table number 2.21). almost all articles have shown an increase  over 200%.  Due to failure of monsoon & diesel price increase the prices will go up further , but we will be compensated partially only next year as due to faulty DA formula . 

The actual DA should have been 150 to 180 % range not just 80% as on 1/1/2013 paid to us . The Consumer Price Index of 2001 which was at 115 points as on 1/1/2006 should have been at 300 points rather than at 219 points as on 1/1/2013.

Actual Price Rise  is 200%
DA is 80% as on 1.1.2013

The 6th CPC while recommending the Minimum Salary- Analysis & Recommendations vide 2.2.15 

The Commission, however,agrees that the norms set by the 15th International Labour Conference (ILC) are appropriate for computing minimum salary. It
is also observed that the minimum salary is applicable at the time a person joins the Government which will usually be at a young age when a person may be just married and will not have responsibility of parents or many children. Accordingly, the family unit for minimum salary can only be taken as three. The Fifth CPC had also taken the average number of consumption at the age of entry as three. To this extent, the Commission is in agreement with the method adopted by the Staff Side for computing the minimum salary. Certain modifications are, however, necessary in the computations used by the staff Side. The minimum salary would need to be computed taking into account the prices as on 1.1.2006, being the date from which the revised pay scales are going to take effect. Government provides separate housing allowance, education allowance and medical facilities. As such, separate provision for the same cannot be made in the minimum salary. Keeping these modifications in view, as per the formula used by the JCM, Staff Side; minimum salary should be in the vicinity of Rs.5479 per month as on 1.1.2006. Detailed working by which the figure of Rs.5479 has been derived is at Table 2.2.1. The Commission is, however, recommending a higher minimum salary keeping in view their emphasis on higher skill levels and multi-skilling for all Government jobs. Accordingly, the running pay bands recommended by the Commission prescribe the minimum salary of Rs.6660 (Rs.4860 as basic pay + Rs.1800 as grade pay to be counted as pay for all purposes) in the lowest grade of the Pay Band PB 1. At the time of implementation of this Report in 2008, the gross minimum salary in A 1 cities (with reference to the minimum PB 1 Pay Band) will be around Rs.10,000 once benefits of HRA, Transport Allowance, Education Allowance, etc. are included. This, incidentally, corresponds to the minimum salary demanded by the Staff Side."

Today we require a minimum salary of Rs 20,000/- taking into the present prices into account, todays wages works out to just Rs 12000/- including DA hence 50% increase in salary is required.


I request your kind self to take up the matter.

Comradely yours

General Secretary 

6th CPC rates and present rates                                                                                                                  
               Comparative Chart:                                                                                                        
Slno        Item        Per          6th CPC rates                       Rates                     Rates as % change
                                             in Rs as in                             as per CPI                             per Market             compare
                                             table 2.21                              in Rs                      in Rs       to 6th CPC
                                             as on 1.1.2006                      as on 1.12.12                        as on 1.2.13           prices
1             Rice        Kg           18                          21                          48           266
2             Dal (Toor/ urd)       Kg           40                          59                          85           145
3             Raw Veg Kg           10                          15                          30           300
4             Greenleaf Veg       Kg           10                          14                          25           250
5             Other Veg              Kg           10                          17                          25           250
6             Fruits      Kg           30                          25                          80           266
7             Milk         lt             24                          26                          30           125
8             Sugar and jaggery  Kg           24                          34                          40           166
9             Edible Oil               Kg           50                          96                          100         200
10           Fish        Kg           120                        157                        320         266
11           Meat       Kg           120                        257                        320         266
12           Egg each               each        2                            4                            5             250
13           Detergents etc       Kg           200                        240                        350         175
14           Clothing                 Mt           80                          61                          150         187
15           Cokked meals                                                     32                          60           187
               CPI: Consumer Price Index published by Government of India                                                                                                  
               Market Rates as per local market rates                                                                                                         
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